Intelekto: la innovación disruptiva que está transformando el mercado inmobiliario.

Única plataforma con información y analítica especializada en el mercado inmobiliario con más de 900,000 registros recolectados y más de 50,000 registros incrementales por mes


How does it work?

Data Gis es un ejemplo de lo que puede hacer la tecnología aplicada a la industria inmobiliaria. Somos una compañía Proptech, esto quiere decir que utilizamos nuestros sistemas para refinar, mejorar o reinventar cualquier servicio dentro del sector inmobiliario, incluyendo los datos. Intelekto es una plataforma SaaS con un robot que le permite recopilar y gestionar datos del mercado inmobiliario (precios, cantidades, preferencias del consumidor, competidores, regulaciones…)  de forma eficiente y también transforma esos datos en modelos inteligentes geoespaciales que apalancan tus estrategias de negocio..

Intelekto: Tu aliado robótico para dominar el mercado inmobiliario con datos inteligentes y estrategias geoespaciales disruptivas!

Intelekto: Inteligencia de negocios

Enables risk assessment associated with the real estate market dynamics

Enriches information with commercial and business purposes

Financial institutions can provide added value for their institutional clients (developers, etc.)

Interacciones entre sus actores clave, incluyendo desarrolladores, constructores, corredores, avaluadores, bancos y gestores municipales

Information is power


Mapas de ofertas inmobiliarias
Mapa de Garantías fuera de parámetro Mapas de Valor (Ingreso per cápita y Riesgo) Mapas de riesgo catastróficos
Mapas geoeconómicos
Mapas normas urbanas...


Multiple correlation models (ROI, Marketing, among others) per specific quote

Kick off your project

Make data-based

Nuestra plataforma está operativa en México, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, República Dominicana… con más de 50,000 transacciones mensuales.

Our ERP processes over 35 % of the mortgage market in Costa Rica and Peru, while 75 % of the data handled today is associated with a specific space and location (geo-referenced data).

DATAGIS Business Intelligence platform will help you work with information interactively and make accurate decisions involving the real estate market.

More information, more intelligence, more power.

Geo-referenced Information


Visualize information in an organized manner through our Value Mapping (Per Capita Income and Risk) and Out-of-Threshold Guarantee Mapping.

Stay alert to variations


Our Business Intelligence Platform will help you access a consistent monitor of market price trends.


Refined Data


A tool specialized in understanding Big Data that is capable of creating pricing predictive models with strong assertiveness.



Our platform has artificial intelligence technology applied to the handling of credit applications and the follow-up of your orders

We adjust to your business needs

Our Plans

Create a disruptive and highly productive alliance with the future

Business Intelligence

Analytics for banks and institutional clients
  • Database
  • Wide and incremental
  • Enriched data
  • Geo-economic info
  • Catastrophic risks
  • Interactive information

Individual ERP Plan

  • Applications manager
  • Planner / Allocator
  • Inspection Module
  • Calculation memory
  • Workspace Interface

Essential ERP Plan

4 Users (Appraiser)
1 User (Editor)
  • Applications manager
  • Planner / Allocator
  • Inspection Module
  • Calculation memory
  • Workspace Interface

Premium ERP Plan

Teams with over
5 users
  • Essential Modules
  • +
  • Report Generator
  • Quality Assurance
  • Value Mapping
  • Risk Mapping
  • Geo-economic mapping
  • Information Dashboards
  • Operational Dashboard
  • Commercial Dashboard

Business Intelligence

Analytics for banks and institutional clients

Individual ERP Plan

Independent Professionals

Essential ERP Plan

4 Users (Appraiser)
1 User (Editor)

Premium ERP Plan

Teams of 5 users or more

Do you need something else?

We adapt to you
through our Corp Plan

If you are part of a banking institution, are looking for something more customized or have specific requirements, this is the right plan for you. We can make any changes to our ERP as required to suit your needs.

Work with a transactional platform (ERP) embedded into the ESRI ecosystem, the most robust in the GIS industry.

Ideal for institutional clients and the banking sector.


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